

Three little letters.
One massive opportunity.
The World Wide Web. Surely the
most incredible invention we will
witness in our lifetime.
What is just as incredible however,
are the jaw-dropping incomes that
many are claiming to make, per day,
per week, per month – simply by using the world wide web. And they claim to be making this money while working from home.

Naturally, we are all intrigued. We want more information.
Can these figures really be achieved? And if so, by somebody such as…well…me?

In the last few years in particular, there has been a web explosion of eyepopping
headlines of earning potential, simply by working from home
with your own website. And what’s even more incredible is that– YES! –
it would appear that anyone can do this.

Come on? Anyone? Really?
Ready for the truth?

A personal note

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be writing an article about
creating a website. Yet without hesitation I can tell you why I have
written this – FRUSTRATION.
Not-knowing-where-to-start, hair-pulling-out, going-to-bed-at-2am,
For a long time I
wanted to set up
my own home
based business,
selling products on
line. I had
researched the                                
subject matter
tremendously, and
understood the
concept and that a
great income could
indeed be made.
I also understood
that vital to my success, was a website. I was more than happy to pay for
a professional to help me with this, but before I did, I wanted to
understand the basics myself.
Should be easy enough, I thought. That was my first mistake. Trying to
locate a SIMPLE beginner’s guide to creating a website was like trying to
squeeze wine from a rock.
I was amazed. Such a product did not seem to exist. Sure, there were
lots of so called ‘beginners’ guides out there, many in fact, but even
these – without exception – became too complicated too quickly. Before
I knew it I was reading about html coding, DNS server settings, FTP
This was a foreign language to me.

What I wanted was a real beginners beginners guide. But I couldn’t find
anything close. Even the ‘Computers for Dummies’ series went into far
too much detail and information.
My initial enthusiasm began to slowly seep away, and was replaced instead, by frustration.
Maybe you have experienced this for yourself. I know a lot of people have.
But I refused to be beaten.
So I set about on a mission to educate myself. I invested in having a few 
one-to-one lessons, immersed myself with many different tutorials,
downloaded various courses, and over time – at last – I taught myself the
BASICS of how to get a website created and online.
Since then, I have had many people ask me the same question – ‘how do
you do it?’ And it is for that reason, that I have written this Article.
This is my PROMISE to you:

By the end of this article , you will have a working website with
multiple pages, including a main page, and links to other pages and
other sites. More importantly, you will know how to create, design and
publish your site so that you can design new sites any time you want.

 Before we begin - a few facts.

FACT! The majority of people setting up a web based business do not
make any money.
FACT! Fantastic incomes on the web CAN be made. But - and it is a 
BIG ‘but’ – just like any business, to reach these dizzying heights you
will have to be prepared to put in the hard work.
Simply put, you are NOT going to make (let’s say) $15,000 a month by
clicking your mouse a few times….
However…you COULD make $15,000 a month by clicking your mouse a
Most people don’t. The reason? Most people get blinded by other
people’s income. We all see these fantastic headlines, and want a piece
of it. We sign up for information, maybe purchasing a product or two (or
three or four) along the way.
And then, slowly but surely, we get caught up in information overload.
Suddenly we are receiving 14 emails a day, all from different companies,
all sounding too good to be true, all offering similar sounding products
that we must BUY NOW.
It’s easy to find yourself in this situation.
Type in ‘home based business’ in Google. I found 75 million sites when
I did! 75 million!! No wonder people get lost.
Information overload. What do you
literally do next when faced with so
much information?
Where do you turn?
We all know what happens when we
find ourselves in this situation. Our
original enthusiasm disappears and is
replaced by… FRUSTRATION.
Have you been there? I certainly have.
FACT! Establishing an Internet Business is a slow process.
FACT! Not everyone can make money online.

FACT! A lot of people suffer from the misguided belief that the web is a
magic wand. It isn’t. However –
FACT! Let me re-iterate my earlier point and say that is that $15,000 a
month (even a week) can be made, but only when you have spent time
(and money) understanding how this business works.
The best advice I had about setting up my online business was as follows:
“…treat setting up an online business as seriously as setting
up an offline business..”
Like any business, the amount of hard work you put in now, will be
proportionate to the dividends it will pay later. You reap what you sow.
There are fundamentally four elements all vital to the success of your
online business.
· Possessing the right attitude
· Having a website
· Having a product/products to market
· Being knowledgeable of how to market your product(s).

PART 02 Is coming tomorrow ! so don't foget the Date  13 May ! 
Good bye.


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