Frequently asked question But There is an Exact answer To This question?
definitely Yes ! Here's Some Step by Step Guide To do So.
Check your credit report
You need to be sure that it is up to date and accurately reflects your circumstances. Keep on checking – your report changes when your circumstances change.Don’t let debts pile up
Make your repayments on time – this shows potential lenders that you are likely to meet future repayments.Better still, try to pay off any outstanding amounts on credit card accounts completely.
Register to vote
Lenders check the electoral roll as a precaution against fraud, to ensure that you are who you say you are and live at the address you have given. If your name doesn't appear, lenders may not be able to confirm that you live at your address, so you could face ID checks or even rejection.Protect your identity
If you notice something surprising on your credit report, such as a loan application you did not make, you could be a victim of identity fraud. Inform Experian, who will help to investigate and offer you help and advice.Don't leave unnecessary footprints
When shopping around for credit, ask companies for a quotation before making a formal application. Lenders may interpret an abnormal number of credit application searches as indicating that you have applied for an unmanageable level of credit. They may even suspect fraud.Tell the truth
Don’t lie or fudge the truth on an application form. Lenders find out and any inaccuracies on your form will tell against you and cause difficulties in future.